Get Online Video & Tele-Therapy in Paramus NJ.
Dr. Imran Rasid is a Masters Practitioner in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic
a Ph.D. He is
who is practicing different tools and modalities of therapy in NJ. He is also certified
as a
counselor, Addiction Counselor, and therapist. He is an American and Canadian
Everybody challenges the sign and symptoms of Stress, Pain or both, almost
But unfortunately, they do not take care of it as they should, and therefore, they
suffer a
Dr. Imran cares about how people are treated, how they live and how they are
they seek help.
No doubt the therapy can address and resolve a broad spectrum of
issues, and symptoms.
It can help people to increase many positive qualities, such as
- It can improve your health.
- It enhances your body to function in a healthy and efficient way.
- It eliminates stress, anxiety and depression.
- It makes you quit smoking or limit your unwanted weight.
- It eliminates or decreases the intensity of the pain.
- It improves memory and concentration.
- It removes fear and phobias.
- It boosts motivation.
- It relaxes your body.
- It will not make you tell secrets that you don’t want to share with anyone.
- It will never make you do the things against your will.
- Therapy cannot make you lose control over yourself.
- It will not delete your memory.